Tuesday 30 October 2012


I'm gonna continue tomorrow... I'm tired...

Tuition [Chinese Compo]

27 October 2012

It's the first day of PACW!!! It means P5 and P6 class. I'm not P5, yet. It's just the starting of it. 

The compo has SIX pictures! Must have soooooooooo much detail... My tutor is my brother's previous one. He doesn't need to join anymore 'cause he's already P6. 

We can collect rabbits, suns, birds, tigers, lions and [I think] whale to exchange for a prize. They're not real stuff, it's just printed paper. I've got three suns, two tigers and one lion.

5 rabbits = 1 sun
5 suns = 1 bird
5 birds = 1 tiger
5 tigers = 1 lion
5 lions = 1 whale
5 whales = PRIZE!!!

Evil Inventions... MWA HA HA HA!!! [In YX LF shop]

30 October 2012

Leah, Faith (and Delle) and Me have a YX LF Evil Inventions 'Shop'.  It's suppose to be YX LFD, but I don't want to add Delle. My enemy but Leah's friend. We don't really own a shop, but, we draw all our inventions on a foolscap paper. Evil ones. 

I'll try to add the inventions tomorrow, SWEAR! But you can't see the pictures...

Exams- FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!

25 October 2012

Exams are finally over!!! That means play,play and PLAY!!! YAY! 

30 October 2012

Not really. Teachers are STILL giving homework!!!

My XHPS friends say that their exams started YESTERDAY. It's um... too late. 

Exam papers are given out for English, Chinese and Maths. We haven't even started Science! Just because we only have Monday and Friday lessons. Last Friday was a holiday, yesterday... Oh, Health Education and Social Studies exam. So we haven't even touched it.

EL: 58/65 [Deprove by half mark! :( ]
CL: 36/45 [I don't know 'cause it is suppose to _/70...]
MA: 87/100 [I forgot... Alina got 98!]

Tooth Accident!!!

29 October 2012

I had a shaky tooth. It came out in an accident!!!>.<

I was watching TV and shaking my tooth. I shook it TOO hard it came out!!! I spit out the bloody tooth. I went to rinse my mouth and saw sooooooo much blood! I freaked and began screaming like crazy. High-pitched and LOUD!!!!!!! My parents came running in. My mother went to take the marshmallow-like fabric thingy(the dentist gave me[I forgot to say it in the dental clinic story]) for me to bite. It would stop the bleeding. I had to change the thing 2 times cause it was too soggy. Finally it stopped. I was afraid that I could not eat dinner( it was dinner time then )!!!

That was seriously the first time I 'shook' my tooth out!

A Trip to the Dental Clinic

12 October 2012

My tooth is bleeding! For don't know what reason... I was brushing my teeth when I saw one of my shaky tooth very dirty. I brushed so hard I did not know it was bleeding! It scared the wing-dings out me! My parents said I need to go to the dental clinic.

The dentist said the um... big tooth(?) pushing the baby tooth out. She also said that my teeth is very dirty. So the dentist is going to clean it. When she cleaning it, it was so PAIN!!! I was like, are you cleaning my teeth or taking them all out???!!! I freaked when I saw SO MUCH BLOOD as I rinse my mouth! Seriously.

The dentist also asked if I wanted to take out that bleeding baby tooth. It is going to come out in one week time. I still insisted to take it out 'cause I don't want to lose too much blood. When the dentist was taking it out, I did not feel a single thing. She put a numbing cream and shake the tooth until it came out. I didn't even know it was out! It was a little grey at the bottom of the tooth. Ewww...

Paying time... Just for taking out 1 tooth costs $50!!!! 


A lot of posts again! About eight. They are not by date. I catergorized it. First, dental stuff, then exams, next, school, tuition, dinner, parties. No more.

Thursday 4 October 2012

C. Day

This would be the last post  today. It's was Children's Day Celebration today in school!

The performances by the teachers were so funny! They  even performed the Gangnam style! I laughed until I cried when I saw them dancing that!

                                                                    This even funnier!

      This too!

There was Mario and Luigi. When I heard their voices, I immediately know it was Ms Michelle Huang and Mr Joshua Siao! One part was very funny. Mario and Luigi wanted to go to the party but they didn't know where to go. Mario pointed right while Luigi pointed left. Then Marion said,"We should go... This way!" Mario pointed down while Luigi pointed up. Mario said that they can only go 'ONE DIRECTION' and she held Luigi's hand and pointed at the top and went backstage. Guess what they did next? They played the song 'One Direction'(that was why I capitalise it earlier)!!! The whole school was like 'WOOO!'

When we sang the 'You don't know! Oh Oh! You don't know you're beautiful!' part, Luigi was like,"I'm beautiful, I know!" Then Mario replied,"I'm more beautiful!"

L: No! I'm beautiful!

M: I'm more beautiful...

When the song ended, Mario was like,"Okay we're both beautiful..."
L:I'm more beautiful!

After all the concert performance, we went back to class to have our class party. The worst yet. After we ate nuggets, fishballs, biscuits,etc, we played games. We wanted to play 'Dog and Bone' first, back the monitors were struggling to separate the class into half. Then Chloe Tay announced that we MUST play 'Wacko'. Just because her best friend, Faith, wants to play it doesn't mean the class have to play it, right? The majority of the class wants to play 'Dog and Bone' but Faith INSISTS to play 'Wacko'. She says 'Dog and Bone' is a boring game. but to most of us, it's super fun! So we ended up playing 'Wacko', for like only ten minutes 'cause most of us wants to play 'Dog and Bone' and has no idea what is 'Wacko', and everyone was quarreling. So practically, it was the worst class party ever. 

I still remember during P2, my teacher let us play like crazy after SA2. We brought Scrabble, UNO, Nerf guns, and other stuff to play with. The girls would play UNO(more then ten people), and the boys would play Nerf with our teacher. Sometimes, the girls would play UNO with her. So far, she is my favourite teacher.

No Title. Guess!

My favourite festival is here! It is a day(or night) that we can play with fire! And lanterns. Yes! It's MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL! My cousins come and play with fire every year! It was a Saturday. The thing that  we always do is waxing of candles. This year, it was different. We put the candles into a bundle and light it up. What will happen? You have to guess. After we are done, the boys ran off and left the girls to clean up! The wax was so difficult to clean, and in the end, we decided to leave a bit of it there.

Next, we went to the jamboree to play 'Blind Mice'. I'm sure you would what is that game so I don't think I need to explain. I kept banging my head into the mini house there, I think I will get a bruise.

We were bored after playing for so long, so the boys decided to play poker, while the girls, including me, went to melt plastic!  

My favourite one is the twisted one.
What's yours?
It was  fun to see all the mini 'fire balls' fall from the plastic.

When it time for my cousins to go, it was quite quiet. It was very noisy at first, and now it is quiet. I just can't stand that silence after noise. My ears would get irritated and I would go screaming.

The next day(Sunday), the moon was orange!

It was a picture from the internet, but I really took photo of it but the picture shown was just a patch of black!


Hmmm... I think you are itching to know about it. I had the final presentation with Group 8 on 17 September. When you look at the title, you may be shocked. Yes, me tooooooo! :(
Now the results....


It was a tie. So practically, none of us get to go to  HONG KONG!!! It's either we are very good or we are really bad. After you read the following sentence, you will know which one is it :( !!!
ONLY. THE. TOP. FIVE. GROUPS. GET. TO. GO. TO. HK!!!!! I can't believe it. We had put in so much effort but we were the bottom!!! NO! THE CHANCE OF GOING TO HK WIT MY FRIENDS IS GONE!!! F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!! I tried to comfort myself and say that there are other chances next time, but it still makes me desperate. What can I do now????!!!!


I'm not going to tell you about Day 2 anymore. We just walk around and the guide would just explain, and that's it. Don't think you want to hear about it.

Today, I going to post a lot to tell you what happen for the past month.

So, sit back and relax!

Friday 7 September 2012

Cultural Camp

7 Sep 2012

The camp was the best camp ever! We got to do loads of stuff, like washing your own plates, obstacle races, bathe in the school, etc. I really want to go again! Let me start at the beginning... 

"Wake up!" My mum pulled me off the bed. I rushed to get myself dressed and every thing, and set off! I was so excited, I could hardly wait. When I reached the school, it was already packed with people. We brought our bags up to our classrooms, and got to know our group leaders. My group leader is Clara, Secondary One. She is so kind, but short(no offence!). 

The first game we played was so easy. My group, that has ten people, had to stand on a sheet of newspaper. Our legs should be all on the newspaper. Our group actually won! Somebody was stepping on Charmaine's foot, that she was screaming away! It was so funny!

After that, we went down to the family lounge. We had to build tall tower with straws that is the tallest and sturdiest, it had to hold a plastic cup with water. Ours was so weird! It looks more like a shelf than a tower. I had to admit, it was quite funny-looking. It cannot even withstand half a cup of water!

We went to the canteen to have our teabreak after that. I think we had sardine puff. Yummy! We also had Milo. Let me let you into a secret. When we were having our games, our teachers put Milo powder into our mugs. I went to wash my cup, but when I look into my cup, I thought the powder was sand! I was like, what the?! I poured water into my cup, then realising that it was Milo powder! There's another part of that, but I would not tell anyone about it. It's too, um, secretive.

The next game was an obstacle race. The first station was we had to waddle across a whole patch of water bombs without bursting any of them. We even had to quack like a duck! Quack, quack! How embarrassing! The second one was disgusting, but luckily I manage to get away with it. We had to use our mouth to pick up straws and sweets from a box of flour. Okay, if any P4 from SNG is reading this, do NOT blame me. Alina did not want anyone to do it! The first time she did it, she cheated. She used her hands to pick up the sweet! The third station was a messy station. We had to remember the colours from a cow that our teacher showed us. Exactly! We also had to take paint from the mat at the front of the tables, and had to use chopsticks and our hands to paint! Our cow broke into half cause it was too wet...

We had our lunch and after that we got this Chinese Immersion thing. One of them we got to make mooncakes! Yum! I love it! I asked my friend if she could give me hers, and she agreed! I thought I could leave it until dinner time...

We had our bathe after that. I went to the toilet to bathe. We had to bathe with a bucket of water! I used like, only 1 out of 100 of water! After I bathe, I went to my classroom to practice my cheer, because at night we would a cheer competition! Squee!

After dinner, we went to an open space to have our cheer competition. Here something like my our cheer:
We are from Group 3!
Wasting our awesomeness on you!
*Class cheer*

Something like that... I can't really remember the lyrics at the... part. 

We had our night trail after that! Yay! The first station was fun. We had to take out laminated paper and sweets from flour water. I went first. The mixture was slimy but nice to touch! We also had to match the cultural item with the culture on the laminated paper. We got second for this. Next, we went to the family lounge. When we reached there, Alina was missing! NO! We were all screaming for her. Finally we found her looking for us at the family lounge. OMG. Over there it was a relay race. We had to pick up a card from the chair and put it the correct section. Mine was a string of flowers. I had no idea which culture it was supposed to be in! I eventually decided to put it at the 'Indian' section. I hope it is right! Next we went to the Secondary ISH. Alina went missing, AGAIN! She was found slowly walking up the staircase. ARGHHH!Over there two person and Clara had to go food tasting. It was Chloe Lim and Faith. Chloe Lim was blind folded and Clara and Faith had to guide her  to the different tables to taste food. After the food tasting, she had to tell the 'judge' what she tasted. The next station was messy. A pair of people had to face back-to-back. One of them would be painting the picture. The other one would be describing the picture to the person who is painting. I was the one describing. I did not know what thing did the person showed to me. Even she does not know! It looks like a keychain. I told Chloe Tay, my partner, that the top is a circle, in the middle of the circle there is an eye, at the bottom there is a big raindrop, in the middle there is another eye, outside the raindrop the is a lot of of small eyes and the item is a keychain. Sounds weird? If you look at the painting, it is a lot weirder. Next station was very boring. It is called: Drop the blanket. Somebody hides behind the blanket and say, "Drop the blanket" and the blanket drops and the person would be holding a cultural item and we and to guess what it is. So boring... After that, we rushed to the same open space we were in earlier. It is also the finishing line!!!! We were there first! Winner! We waited for ten minutes before the next team came. After that group came, more teams came in, one by one.

After all the teams came, we had  the last event for the day. We had a dress up competition. We used aluminium foil, cardboard, masking tape and permanent marker to dress Charmaine up as and Indian person. She looks more like Iron Woman than an Indian Woman. Seriously. After dressing up, teachers got to vote for the best dress. Charmaine only got ONE vote! :(

Next, we were supposed to have supper, but I was exhausted and super tired. I brushed my teeth and went down to the hall with my sleeping bag. My sleeping is gigantic, and when I walked down the stairs, I heard someone said, "Is she crazy?" She seriously has no manners... I thought I would just sleep straight away, but I couldn't. I was awake until 12.15 am. When it was 12 midnight, I heard Nat. Chua said, "Everyone, it is 4th September already!" People are already sleeping and she was screaming?! Can't believe it. 

Next day, I woke up by all the shi-ing from the P4s. It was so noisy! Gwen was still sleeping, so, to wake her up, Alina and I talked very loudly because we were sleeping right in front of her. She woke up! Yay! I sat up, and saw Ashley on the floor. Alina was beside me, followed by Ashley, than Rachel. How did Ashley end up on the floor beside Rachel?! Did she roll over Rachel? Can't be. It is still a mystery. Ms Chan tricked us! She said she would wake us up by speaking into the mic. Hmph! I learnt something,"Never trust adults!" We had breakfast and set 
off for our trip to Little India. 

Our tour guide was so good, he even gave us flowers! I got a rose and marigold(not the milk!). The marigold was so beautiful... 

I don't want to type any more... My fingers are exhausted already. But I would continue...

The left most person is Clara, our group leader.
The most behind one is Alina. She was very tired during the photo-taking.

Sunday 2 September 2012


2 Sep 2012

Okay, I guess this is the longest time I have not blog. My Continual Assesment just finished, and I still have the IPW Project I mentioned in the previous post. 

But, I am freaking excited about tomorrow. I have cultural camp! Woohoo! I guess I would not be able to sleep (if I do not count my 'sheep' to about 400), as I have this excitement bubble in my stomach. When I am super excited, the bubble would grow bigger, making me more excited. When it pops, I would be quite relieved, but it would grow very quickly. So it's just like something you just ate is growing and popping just because you are super-duper excited. Okay, I think that would be super scary if you think that there's a monster in your stomach blowing bubble gums...

I guess I won't be able to blog for the next few (or many) days...

Friday 17 August 2012

Basketball!!!! :P

17 August 2012

I didn't laugh so hard in my life before! Today, Iain's friends came to play basketball. Below were what the funny things they said...
Team 1
Jun Guan

Team 2
"Jun Guan, join our team! Shake hand with the manager first! Come!!Come!"
"No lah..."
"You say one... Shake hand with the manager lah!"
*Shook hands*

"Dave, pass! Pass! I give you a pat! Pass!"
*Dave passed to Zongjin*
"Zongjin! You can do it!" "Wow! What a score!"

*Larry scolding Dave*
"Larry! You ah, scold until laugh! Come! Continue lah! You so heavy!"

"Dave! Testing time! Pass! Testing! Pass!"

"Iain! Pass! Kunalan! Pass!"

To Larry "Why you open your mouth when you bounce the ball?! Later the ball go inside your mouth!"

Thursday 9 August 2012

WOOHOO!!! >.< Happy 47th B'day Singapore!!! :)

Happy Birthday Singapore!!!!

 Yesterday was like the best day ever!!!! First, at school, we have early dismissal! During the celebration, we sang lots of song, like Love At First Light, Stand Up For Singapore, etc.The cheer leading was so nice! My classmates, Jia Ying, Chloe Lim and Faith were all inside! They did cartwheels, hand stands and all kinds of cool stuff! Next year, I want to be a cheer leader too!
At the last part, the emcee told us that WE could go down to the field and dance like KA-RAY-ZEE! OMG! It was sooo fun!

When I went home, my sister just went to school. I went to her school, as they were celebrating Sports Day AND National Day! The first event was the pre-school Daisy B class competing. My sis had to run twice, as one of the group members did not come. She came in first! She got an angry bird 'PSP'. It's not a real one. I was bored so I went to play at the school's playground. It's soooo good to be back here from all these years! BTW, I was from that school: Catholic Kindergarden. From these years, I could still remember a particular day when my  classmates discover a beehive! I was playing near there when I heard them screaming: "BEEEEEEEE!"

wonder if i wear red and white today and wave the singapore flag at everybody, would they think i'm KA-RAY-ZEE? + a singapore tattoo at the side of my face

At night, I went to Brendan Chee's house @ Livia. It was gigantic! We were bored so me, Iain and Brendan went to watch this super-duper funny show, Larva, on iPad. Watch the full video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJMzmXpzz4A&feature=related  It was so funny! 
When we came out of the room, everybody was gone! Did I mention that Livia has a lot of playgrounds?! So, we decided to go down to play. Luckily, when we reached the ground level, we saw Brendan's mum! She told us where the rest were and we ran to where they were eating. They had egg tarts! I had one, it was YUMMY! 
Then Brendan brought me and Iain to a playground that was quite far! We had to climb and climb at that playground. 
After we ate dinner, Brendan brought me to another playground. It has monkey bars! YAY!!!!! I LUV monkey bars! That were NOT normal monkey bars. They were for adults!!!! At least I manage to do it. 
Brendan said that he found bird eggs at bamboo trees! He also found an empty bird nest, and brought it home!!! Did I mention I am a nature lover?! 
Brendan and Iain had a badminton after that. When they were playing, somebody from upstairs threw down ice cream toys! They picked it up and left it under a bamboo tree. When I came, Brendan accidentally shot a shuttle up in the tree! Iain used the badminton racket and threw it at the shuttle, while Brendan went to find the ice cream. Iain got the shuttle down, then Brendan asked," Where is the shuttle?" He passed the ice cream to Iain and he passed it to me. 
I brought it back, and my sis and Chloe, her friend, wanted it! My sis took both of them, and passed it to me. I put them in my pocket, Chloe really wanted them, she asked my sis where was it, and my sis pointed at me! Chloe saw the big bulge in my pocket, and wanted to snatch it out, but I was quick enough to take it out and don't let her take them! OMG! Do you know what happened next?! She shrieked! That was freaking high-pitched! My eardrums were gonna shatter! Finally, I couldn't stand her shrieking anymore, I surrendered the ice creams to her. She took and left it at the arm rest. 
It was time to go, and Chloe forgotten to take the ice creams! I reminded my mum, but Chloe heard it! She was shrieking and crying again, when my mum said, "Auntie take already, but the ice cream is very dirty, so I go back to wash, then I give you the ice cream, okay?" That was a lie! But thank goodness Chloe stopped crying. 

Tuesday 31 July 2012

I won't Tell YOU!!!

Now you know what this post is going to talk about, am I right????

Yesterday, Singapore vs Slovenia 4:0! Table Tennis. You know who won? To check out who won visit:
Gao Ning(Singapore)
TOKIC Bojan(Slovenia)
Watch the third round at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgm2XGSGCio

Yesterday, again, Hong Kong vs Korea 2:0! Badminton Again check out who won @:
Group J last match
Best if you can watch the video! SUPER EXCITING!!!!! Watch it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKuZsuW6gI0
One more thingI vote for Hong Kong.

I can't wait for the next Badminton Game!!!!!

Thursday 19 July 2012

ARGHH!!! >.< SCHOOL!!!!

19 July 2012


Why must school be sooooo complicated???!!! I don't think I can blog for a few days... 

The reason is...

1) I joined this Chinese competition (I am a Chinese Rep) in school with my mother and we need to memorise the script which  has FOUR pages!!!!!

2) My Chinese spellings are so difficult! Sometimes I don't have time to learn.

3) I still have my IPW Project. My team mates are sooooo busy! There's only 8 more weeks till final presentation!!!!!!!

Why must I drag myself into such mess?! Sometimes I wish I was in XHPS, my old school with my good old friends...

Saturday 14 July 2012


O.M.G! I can't believe I didn't blog for...7 days! AHHHHH! Okay. So maybe I overreacted just a little bit. 
7 July 2012

Sitting in the car for... 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES!! I got too restless I couldn't sit still. Finally I managed to sleep... for 10 MINUTES ONLY! I didn't know how I woke up though. LOTUS DESARU! We're here!

We went to our room. It looks like a house! Three rooms, a kitchen and a living room!

We rushed towards the waterpark that was GIGANTIC. There was a big slide leading to the pool. WEEE! So fun! Iain and I went to the slide six times!

Then we went to the beach. The waves were big! I was pushed up to shore by one of the waves! We the decided to make a mini playground by sand that we made at Gold Coast Australia. But instead, my brother went to sit inside to sun tan! He asked me to bury him, but of course, NOT! I went to a spot where I found lots and lots of mini stones! They shone like crystals...

We went to bathe and then eat at a buffet. 

The best part! We went to the Seafood Firefly. At first when we reached there, we were like, "Are we supposed to eat fireflies or see them?!" A beautiful sight await in front of us!

It was so beautiful! I actually caught one but it flew away...

It was twelve midnight. Time to sleep...

8 July 2012

We ate breakfast and straight away went to Desaru Fruit farm. While we were waiting at the retail shop to check-out, I saw this funky wig and put it on...

Weird, huh?

The fruit farm's the best!

I so scared to get near that cactus!

I wish I got this rabbit!

Thursday 5 July 2012

Young Writers

I can't believe my composition got into Young Writers St. Nicholas! It is just about my birthday last year:

The Best Birthday Yet!

It was a beautiful Sunday morning of a very special day for me! I woke up with a yawn and quickly dressed up. Since the special event is going to start at eleven o'clock, I had to do my things quick. Eat breakfast, hang up decorations, prepare goodie bags… I started off packing the goodie bags. There were eight coming and one of them was my favourite cousin. Three of them were just to accompany my older brother, Iain. Actually I kind of invited nine. I forgot to count my younger sister's friend, Nicole. Tick, tock, tick, tock… five more minutes before my friends appear! I had to prepare my magic tools. Ding dong! Ding dong! My friends are here!
      I begun to feel embarrassed as many of the tricks I did was wrong. The first one was a coin going through a bottle cap. Well, I managed to fool some of my friends. They were like, 'Wow! Teach me!" Ha, ha! I did not manage to fool my two best friends, Felicia and Ling Ling, as they saw the double-sided tape! The second one was easy to dolt them all as I practised doing the cup magic trick when I was about six years old.
       Everyone was so excited to head towards Bouncy Kids, a big playground. Sin Ying, one of my friends, forgot to bring her socks, which is the main thing you need to go into Bouncy Kids. Fortunately, I had many socks in my sock drawer, so I lent her one of them. We had arrived at Bouncy Kids! "There's a ball pit, you know," I told them. "Really? Let's go there first." Felicia suggested. That's what we did.  We raced towards the ball pit with great speed. "Last one there is a coconut head!" I yelled back. Of course, Ling Ling, my best friend was the 'coconut head'. She is not really into sports, that was the reason why she runs slowly. "Let's have a 'snowball' fight!" Zi Tian, one of my friends, squawked. Aim at me! I am your target!" Felicia yelled. "Huh? You mean four versus one?" I queried. "Yes. That is what I meant," Felicia replied. In the end, balls came to and fro. Two hours later, everyone was heaving heavily. "Let's go have lunch now, and leave the boys here to play," I announced to the girls.
       'Can we eat at McDonald's instead of Pizza Hut, please?" Felicia pleaded when we were walking towards the mall. "Why?" I was curious. Maybe she doesn't like pizza, I wondered. "Well, I don't eat pizza," Felicia finally answered. "You can have spaghetti,' Ling Ling suggested. Four against one, we ended up eating at Pizza Hut. "Nevermind, I will have the kids' meal," Felicia uttered. After we girls had ate, the boys came. I was playing with Nicole when I put my arm above on a high chair, she bit me! Anyway, she was just three. "Ouch!" I screamed in agony. I sighed a sign of relief when she let go of me. We girls were walking towards the toilet to wash our hands and the boys kept on bugging us. "Tell her! Tell her!" The boys demanded Davier, one of the boys. Trying to ignore them, we covered our ears. I thought they were trying to get Davier to tell me that he loves me, which he does. It would be very annoying if we walk back with the boys, so we decided to ask my parents if we could walk home ourselves. "Peace at last. That is why I hate those boys! How irritating!" I concluded.
       "Swimming time! I brought my snorkel!" Zi Tian was so excited she could hardly sit still. "I forgot to bring my swimsuit," Sin Ying mumbled. "Firstly, you forgot to bring your socks. Now you forgot to bring your swimsuit. How forgetful…" I muttered to myself. "I will lend you mine since I have another one," Ling Ling recommended as she was my neighbour. "Can we go first?" Zi Tian was urging to go as it was her first time here. Felicia, Zi Tian and I went to the deepest pool to play with Zi Tian's snorkel, while Ling Ling and Sin Ying went to change. I tried to breathe into the snorkel but it did not work. Felicia and I were panting heaving to get our breath back after we tried to breathe into the snorkel. As for Zi Tian, she managed to stay underwater for one minute and a half second! After Ling Ling and Sin Ying changed, we dashed towards the wading pool with a waterslide
       It was a tiring day and finally it was cake cutting time! My cake was shaped as a snowman. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Yu Xuan, happy birthday to you!" My friends sang. Linus, one of my brother's friend, came to me and gave me a bracelet. My neighbour's mother, which is not his mother because he was from London, took photo of Linus and I. it was kind of embarrassing, so I blushed. "Bye bye!" I roared to my friends as they walked back home.
       To top off this special day for me, at twelve midnight, when I were still awake, there were fireworks! The residences of my condominium screamed! Have you guessed when is my birthday? 31st December!

Wednesday 4 July 2012

FAN Club

Anybody luv my blog? Now you can join my Fan Club (woohoo!)! Just post your name, NICKNAME and why you luv my blog. If you don't have a Google account, create one. Its freeee!
I would consider if your NICKNAME have alphabets and numbers. This is mine! 
Yuxuan1231. Heehee... That's my name and b'day added together.

Thursday 28 June 2012


27 June 2012

OMG! I can't believe I saw a primary 1 girl talking on a phone! Even my friend doesn't have one. That girl was talking on not a normal phone but this...

a Samsung Galaxy Note! Its even better than an IPhone! If I got it, I will downlaod loads of games! Haha!

Tuesday 26 June 2012

First Day of School

25 June 2012

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! OMG! My school is SO GIGANTIC! You might think that I am crazy because like I just came to school or something. But I am honest with you, THE SCHOOL IS GIGANTIC! I changed into a new campus, combined with primary and secondary! Here is the map:
Total levels in one block: 8

My classroom is at the 5th level! From the 4th level, jump to the 5th level. The canteen looks more like a hawker centre! There are 16 stalls, selling different kind of food. There are even Japanese food! Take a look at the hall! There is air conditioning, a 6m wide fan in the middle and a VERY big space to play! Haha! When we(classmates) stepped into the classroom, we were all like
SPEECHLESS. The classroom was so big its 1 and a half times my house! Okay, maybe not that big but it is still HUMONGOUS! It can fit about 80 students!

I have came back from school but I am still, you know, PARALYZED WITH THE WOW.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Snakes and Ladders

23 June 2012

Yesterday, I went to dinner at Heartland Mall. As I was eating, I heard them announce that they are playing Snakes and Ladders, human size. After I have eaten, I went to see the game. Coincidentally, I saw my cousin, Charlotte and Charlene. Charlotte(or Charlene they are twins) played the first round but I did not see them since I was eating. The last round, I wave my hands frantically so I could play. They chose me! Yay! I started second. A boy cheated in the game as he rolled 3 but went 2 steps to go up the ladder. HE CHEATED! I was in the lead until... I STEPPED ON 19! You might think nothing would happen but in it said:
GO BACK TO THE START in big bold letters. So the boy(who cheated) won! He got $25 Heartland Mall Voucher. I got $5 Heartland Mall Voucher! HMPH!

Creative Maths

23 June 2012

I haven't wrote for 2 days! I went for a course called Creative Maths. 9 am-5 pm.They combine Maths with magic. Sounds fun? I LUV it! I learnt so many magic tricks, many ways to solve 
Maths Olympaid  questions and how to do an impossible statue! My mother don't allow me tell you the tricks. I don't know why... The conductor is:

Mdm Teoh Poh Yew!
She looks old, but she is a Maths teacher! She wants to make Maths very fun so she called her programme: Creative Maths.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

A Little Brain Problem

20 June 2012

I have no idea why I like looking at my maid doing house work. Yesterday 45 minutes before my swimming lesson, I stared at my maid washing the balcony floor for 30 minutes straight! Today after breakfast, I stared at my maid cleaning the dining table. You might think I'm KA-RAY-ZEE! Me too, sometimes I think my brain has problem. Somebody HELP!!!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Work,work and MORE work!

19 June 2012

Work, work and MORE work! This June holiday is so bored! I had to do my home work + school work before I could go out to play. Now is the last week of the holiday and I still haven't finish my school work! I have 7 more Chinese comprehension which is so difficult even though one has only two questions... I wish holiday was a REAL holiday as in just go to play, no work, NOTHING! How I wish...

Monday 18 June 2012

Moshi Monsters Glumps

18 June 2012(The date on the blog is wrong)

I can't believe I got glumps(figurines)! I wanted to collect moshling figurines but I got glumps instead. So practically now I'm also collecting glumps. I got Fishlips and Rocko which are glumps:


I was so exhausted yesterday so I did not blog. Sorry!

Saturday 16 June 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Dear beloved dad,

No matter how much you punish me or beat me, I still love you.You have the equal amount in my heart as myself and mum. Without you, my heart will not be complete.

Without you, this is my heart
Everyday I see you go, I would say, 'I love you'. You helped me in every way, when I need you most, you will come and help. 

All I want to say is '  I Smurf You!'

Friday 15 June 2012

Holiday @ Kidzania Kuala Lumpur

11 June 2012

Whoa! Was that  fun! I just came back from KidZania Kuala Lumpur! I can't believe I still got 174 KidZos in my CIMB Bank Credit  Card, even though I spent some to make Oreo. 
My brother and I making Oreo!

Forgot to tell you guys readers that I have 2 siblings, my bro, Iain, and my kind bratty little 3 year old sister, Yu Qin(usually I call her Qin Qin).

Anyway, the Oreo making was actually the last thing we did as KidZania was going to close! Maybe not. The last thing I did was to get my driving licence! Squee! How I wanted to be a firefighter...

Let me start from the beginning(why did I start at the end?!)...
My brother and I walked around the whole place and could not decide what to play first. Since the easiest job was the CIMB Bank, we went inside.

Me and Iain, delivering money!
I didn't know that just delivering money could earn us 10 KidZos! Squee! The only problem was we were new there and the place was humongous so we could not find the place where we were supposed to deliver the money! Fortunately the customer service told us where was the place! We didn't actually wanted to play there but our friend, Ying Xuan, was delivering money, so we asked her where was the place.

I was thinking where did my parents took her to when we were playing... You must be wondering too, right? Luckily my dad took photo of her playing at the...

She's so cute! If I could go in there with her, I will bury her in the balls! Hee Hee Hee!

She was also playing at the...

If I could, I would put her in the oven to cook her! Don't tell my parents!

Back to me and Iain. After we went to deliver money, I asked BEGGED Iain if we could go play at the Disco Lounge. We went to play the Song War after I said 'PLEASE' a million times. Two songs we didn't had a clue what in the world was the song. Oh, I forgot to tell you, the DJ will choose a song and we had to guess the title of the song. We had 2:2, a tie. The last song was Party Rock but we only heard half of the song and there wasn't the chorus, Iain heard the song a million times. I wanted to cry because I only knew the chorus. In the end, Iain won! He got 10 extra KidZos as he was the winner.

Next we went to the SonyPhoto Lab. We edited photos we take, and then print it out.

Our Edited Photos!

My bro looks weird... I own a car! Yay!

After that, together with Ying Xuan and Jun Heng(Ying Xuan's brother), we went to the Courthouse. It was fun! I was the prosecutor, Iain was the attorney, Ying Xuan was the plaintiff (a.k.a victim) and Jun Heng was the one with the big fat wig. You guessed it! He was the big fat wig judge! Hee Hee! 

Then we went to the Construction Site to build a wall with big Lego bricks. It was as easy as ABC and we finished it in no time!

The girls decided not to wait for the boys and rushed off to play secret agent. The hardest part was to climb 5 nets. I ACCIDENTALLY kicked a boy's face! Ouch!

We went to the pilot next. It was such an easy job(and boring)! We just had to see the plane going up and down for like 10 minutes. When the plane landed we have to count to five and press a button and we got 15 KidZos(it's like we got it for free)!

We decided to be flight attendants as there were nobody there. Coincidentally, we met the boys! We were like, NO!! We quickly serve people toy food and ran to the City Clock. 

Ying Xuan thought we were supposed to operate the clock but NO!! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO PERFORM! So we made up an excuse when the person in-charge said we had to wait for 10 minutes. We 'urgently' said that we had to go for lunch at 10 minutes time. BTW, I was starving! It wasn't actually a lie, was it? Are we not brilliant?!

We decided to meet our brothers to get our insurance card and split again. We waited 'patiently' until the pilots were out. I said to Jun Heng, "Where did you get the insurance card?" He told us to follow him. When I said follow, I mean run after him! He was running down the stairs, running here, running there. The insurance company was Alliance and we had to take a photo. It costs 8 KidZos to make an Insurance card. Here's mine:

My Insurance Card
If you get and insurance card, you can get a driving licence, discount for cooking lessons and earn 1 extra KidZo  when you go to Dell Notebook Company. The girls did not realise that we can only get driving licence until we go to the Dell Notebook Company. The worst thing was Ying Xuan was too short for a driving licence! 130cm is the minimum height but Ying Xuan is only 123cm!

The day was nearly ending and Ying Xuan had to go home after we made Oreo cookies with her younger brother, Jun Hui. It was fun! First, we got a ball of dough made from chocolate flavouring and flour. Then we sprinkled some flour on the dough so that it would not stick. Next we rolled it until it was as flat as a pancake. We got this cake cutter to make 6 circles. After that we used the Oreo shaped logo to shape the logo onto each circle. Then the cookies were sent to bake in the miniature oven of the Oreo factory. It took about 15 seconds and it was done. The oven at the factory took about 15 minutes to bake! The cookies were baked and we had to put in the cream. It was done and placed in another machine to put one cookie on another and packed it nicely in an Oreo packaging. Yay! I ate it right at the spot. Yummy! 

Ying Xuan had to go and I bid goodbye to her family and baked Oreo with my bro.

I went to get my eye check so I can get my driving licence. My right eye was 100 degree and my left eye was 75 degree. No! It went higher! Never mind. I went to get my driving licence and I exceeded the speed limit once and I crashed! I least I got my driving licence:

I got my driving licence!
I wanted to drive but it closed already... My brother was lucky to drive...

My bro driving!

The End