Thursday 9 August 2012

WOOHOO!!! >.< Happy 47th B'day Singapore!!! :)

Happy Birthday Singapore!!!!

 Yesterday was like the best day ever!!!! First, at school, we have early dismissal! During the celebration, we sang lots of song, like Love At First Light, Stand Up For Singapore, etc.The cheer leading was so nice! My classmates, Jia Ying, Chloe Lim and Faith were all inside! They did cartwheels, hand stands and all kinds of cool stuff! Next year, I want to be a cheer leader too!
At the last part, the emcee told us that WE could go down to the field and dance like KA-RAY-ZEE! OMG! It was sooo fun!

When I went home, my sister just went to school. I went to her school, as they were celebrating Sports Day AND National Day! The first event was the pre-school Daisy B class competing. My sis had to run twice, as one of the group members did not come. She came in first! She got an angry bird 'PSP'. It's not a real one. I was bored so I went to play at the school's playground. It's soooo good to be back here from all these years! BTW, I was from that school: Catholic Kindergarden. From these years, I could still remember a particular day when my  classmates discover a beehive! I was playing near there when I heard them screaming: "BEEEEEEEE!"

wonder if i wear red and white today and wave the singapore flag at everybody, would they think i'm KA-RAY-ZEE? + a singapore tattoo at the side of my face

At night, I went to Brendan Chee's house @ Livia. It was gigantic! We were bored so me, Iain and Brendan went to watch this super-duper funny show, Larva, on iPad. Watch the full video at:  It was so funny! 
When we came out of the room, everybody was gone! Did I mention that Livia has a lot of playgrounds?! So, we decided to go down to play. Luckily, when we reached the ground level, we saw Brendan's mum! She told us where the rest were and we ran to where they were eating. They had egg tarts! I had one, it was YUMMY! 
Then Brendan brought me and Iain to a playground that was quite far! We had to climb and climb at that playground. 
After we ate dinner, Brendan brought me to another playground. It has monkey bars! YAY!!!!! I LUV monkey bars! That were NOT normal monkey bars. They were for adults!!!! At least I manage to do it. 
Brendan said that he found bird eggs at bamboo trees! He also found an empty bird nest, and brought it home!!! Did I mention I am a nature lover?! 
Brendan and Iain had a badminton after that. When they were playing, somebody from upstairs threw down ice cream toys! They picked it up and left it under a bamboo tree. When I came, Brendan accidentally shot a shuttle up in the tree! Iain used the badminton racket and threw it at the shuttle, while Brendan went to find the ice cream. Iain got the shuttle down, then Brendan asked," Where is the shuttle?" He passed the ice cream to Iain and he passed it to me. 
I brought it back, and my sis and Chloe, her friend, wanted it! My sis took both of them, and passed it to me. I put them in my pocket, Chloe really wanted them, she asked my sis where was it, and my sis pointed at me! Chloe saw the big bulge in my pocket, and wanted to snatch it out, but I was quick enough to take it out and don't let her take them! OMG! Do you know what happened next?! She shrieked! That was freaking high-pitched! My eardrums were gonna shatter! Finally, I couldn't stand her shrieking anymore, I surrendered the ice creams to her. She took and left it at the arm rest. 
It was time to go, and Chloe forgotten to take the ice creams! I reminded my mum, but Chloe heard it! She was shrieking and crying again, when my mum said, "Auntie take already, but the ice cream is very dirty, so I go back to wash, then I give you the ice cream, okay?" That was a lie! But thank goodness Chloe stopped crying. 

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