Sunday 2 September 2012


2 Sep 2012

Okay, I guess this is the longest time I have not blog. My Continual Assesment just finished, and I still have the IPW Project I mentioned in the previous post. 

But, I am freaking excited about tomorrow. I have cultural camp! Woohoo! I guess I would not be able to sleep (if I do not count my 'sheep' to about 400), as I have this excitement bubble in my stomach. When I am super excited, the bubble would grow bigger, making me more excited. When it pops, I would be quite relieved, but it would grow very quickly. So it's just like something you just ate is growing and popping just because you are super-duper excited. Okay, I think that would be super scary if you think that there's a monster in your stomach blowing bubble gums...

I guess I won't be able to blog for the next few (or many) days...

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