Tuesday 31 July 2012

I won't Tell YOU!!!

Now you know what this post is going to talk about, am I right????

Yesterday, Singapore vs Slovenia 4:0! Table Tennis. You know who won? To check out who won visit:
Gao Ning(Singapore)
TOKIC Bojan(Slovenia)
Watch the third round at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgm2XGSGCio

Yesterday, again, Hong Kong vs Korea 2:0! Badminton Again check out who won @:
Group J last match
Best if you can watch the video! SUPER EXCITING!!!!! Watch it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKuZsuW6gI0
One more thingI vote for Hong Kong.

I can't wait for the next Badminton Game!!!!!

Thursday 19 July 2012

ARGHH!!! >.< SCHOOL!!!!

19 July 2012


Why must school be sooooo complicated???!!! I don't think I can blog for a few days... 

The reason is...

1) I joined this Chinese competition (I am a Chinese Rep) in school with my mother and we need to memorise the script which  has FOUR pages!!!!!

2) My Chinese spellings are so difficult! Sometimes I don't have time to learn.

3) I still have my IPW Project. My team mates are sooooo busy! There's only 8 more weeks till final presentation!!!!!!!

Why must I drag myself into such mess?! Sometimes I wish I was in XHPS, my old school with my good old friends...

Saturday 14 July 2012


O.M.G! I can't believe I didn't blog for...7 days! AHHHHH! Okay. So maybe I overreacted just a little bit. 
7 July 2012

Sitting in the car for... 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES!! I got too restless I couldn't sit still. Finally I managed to sleep... for 10 MINUTES ONLY! I didn't know how I woke up though. LOTUS DESARU! We're here!

We went to our room. It looks like a house! Three rooms, a kitchen and a living room!

We rushed towards the waterpark that was GIGANTIC. There was a big slide leading to the pool. WEEE! So fun! Iain and I went to the slide six times!

Then we went to the beach. The waves were big! I was pushed up to shore by one of the waves! We the decided to make a mini playground by sand that we made at Gold Coast Australia. But instead, my brother went to sit inside to sun tan! He asked me to bury him, but of course, NOT! I went to a spot where I found lots and lots of mini stones! They shone like crystals...

We went to bathe and then eat at a buffet. 

The best part! We went to the Seafood Firefly. At first when we reached there, we were like, "Are we supposed to eat fireflies or see them?!" A beautiful sight await in front of us!

It was so beautiful! I actually caught one but it flew away...

It was twelve midnight. Time to sleep...

8 July 2012

We ate breakfast and straight away went to Desaru Fruit farm. While we were waiting at the retail shop to check-out, I saw this funky wig and put it on...

Weird, huh?

The fruit farm's the best!

I so scared to get near that cactus!

I wish I got this rabbit!

Thursday 5 July 2012

Young Writers

I can't believe my composition got into Young Writers St. Nicholas! It is just about my birthday last year:

The Best Birthday Yet!

It was a beautiful Sunday morning of a very special day for me! I woke up with a yawn and quickly dressed up. Since the special event is going to start at eleven o'clock, I had to do my things quick. Eat breakfast, hang up decorations, prepare goodie bags… I started off packing the goodie bags. There were eight coming and one of them was my favourite cousin. Three of them were just to accompany my older brother, Iain. Actually I kind of invited nine. I forgot to count my younger sister's friend, Nicole. Tick, tock, tick, tock… five more minutes before my friends appear! I had to prepare my magic tools. Ding dong! Ding dong! My friends are here!
      I begun to feel embarrassed as many of the tricks I did was wrong. The first one was a coin going through a bottle cap. Well, I managed to fool some of my friends. They were like, 'Wow! Teach me!" Ha, ha! I did not manage to fool my two best friends, Felicia and Ling Ling, as they saw the double-sided tape! The second one was easy to dolt them all as I practised doing the cup magic trick when I was about six years old.
       Everyone was so excited to head towards Bouncy Kids, a big playground. Sin Ying, one of my friends, forgot to bring her socks, which is the main thing you need to go into Bouncy Kids. Fortunately, I had many socks in my sock drawer, so I lent her one of them. We had arrived at Bouncy Kids! "There's a ball pit, you know," I told them. "Really? Let's go there first." Felicia suggested. That's what we did.  We raced towards the ball pit with great speed. "Last one there is a coconut head!" I yelled back. Of course, Ling Ling, my best friend was the 'coconut head'. She is not really into sports, that was the reason why she runs slowly. "Let's have a 'snowball' fight!" Zi Tian, one of my friends, squawked. Aim at me! I am your target!" Felicia yelled. "Huh? You mean four versus one?" I queried. "Yes. That is what I meant," Felicia replied. In the end, balls came to and fro. Two hours later, everyone was heaving heavily. "Let's go have lunch now, and leave the boys here to play," I announced to the girls.
       'Can we eat at McDonald's instead of Pizza Hut, please?" Felicia pleaded when we were walking towards the mall. "Why?" I was curious. Maybe she doesn't like pizza, I wondered. "Well, I don't eat pizza," Felicia finally answered. "You can have spaghetti,' Ling Ling suggested. Four against one, we ended up eating at Pizza Hut. "Nevermind, I will have the kids' meal," Felicia uttered. After we girls had ate, the boys came. I was playing with Nicole when I put my arm above on a high chair, she bit me! Anyway, she was just three. "Ouch!" I screamed in agony. I sighed a sign of relief when she let go of me. We girls were walking towards the toilet to wash our hands and the boys kept on bugging us. "Tell her! Tell her!" The boys demanded Davier, one of the boys. Trying to ignore them, we covered our ears. I thought they were trying to get Davier to tell me that he loves me, which he does. It would be very annoying if we walk back with the boys, so we decided to ask my parents if we could walk home ourselves. "Peace at last. That is why I hate those boys! How irritating!" I concluded.
       "Swimming time! I brought my snorkel!" Zi Tian was so excited she could hardly sit still. "I forgot to bring my swimsuit," Sin Ying mumbled. "Firstly, you forgot to bring your socks. Now you forgot to bring your swimsuit. How forgetful…" I muttered to myself. "I will lend you mine since I have another one," Ling Ling recommended as she was my neighbour. "Can we go first?" Zi Tian was urging to go as it was her first time here. Felicia, Zi Tian and I went to the deepest pool to play with Zi Tian's snorkel, while Ling Ling and Sin Ying went to change. I tried to breathe into the snorkel but it did not work. Felicia and I were panting heaving to get our breath back after we tried to breathe into the snorkel. As for Zi Tian, she managed to stay underwater for one minute and a half second! After Ling Ling and Sin Ying changed, we dashed towards the wading pool with a waterslide
       It was a tiring day and finally it was cake cutting time! My cake was shaped as a snowman. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Yu Xuan, happy birthday to you!" My friends sang. Linus, one of my brother's friend, came to me and gave me a bracelet. My neighbour's mother, which is not his mother because he was from London, took photo of Linus and I. it was kind of embarrassing, so I blushed. "Bye bye!" I roared to my friends as they walked back home.
       To top off this special day for me, at twelve midnight, when I were still awake, there were fireworks! The residences of my condominium screamed! Have you guessed when is my birthday? 31st December!

Wednesday 4 July 2012

FAN Club

Anybody luv my blog? Now you can join my Fan Club (woohoo!)! Just post your name, NICKNAME and why you luv my blog. If you don't have a Google account, create one. Its freeee!
I would consider if your NICKNAME have alphabets and numbers. This is mine! 
Yuxuan1231. Heehee... That's my name and b'day added together.